Singing Guide: Lottie Mayor

Singing Guide: Lottie Mayor

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lottie Mayor is a talented indie-pop singer and songwriter known for her ethereal and hauntingly beautiful vocals. Her unique voice is characterized by a delicate vibrato and a lovely falsetto range. Lottie's music showcases her vocal technique in a way that draws listeners in and captivates them.

If you want to learn how to sing like Lottie Mayor, there are a few key techniques to focus on. One of the most important is breath support. Lottie's delicate vocals are supported by a strong and controlled breath, which allows her to sustain long, flowing phrases. The Singing Carrots blog offers a great article on breath support that can help you get started.

Another important technique for singing like Lottie Mayor is focusing on your tone. Lottie often uses a breathy and airy tone to create a dreamy and atmospheric sound, which can be challenging to emulate. One tool that can help you with this is the Singing Carrots vocal pitch monitor, which allows you to see the pitch and tone of your voice in real time.

When practicing your singing, it can be helpful to choose songs that showcase the kind of style and vocal range that Lottie Mayor is known for. Two great examples of songs to try are "Safe House" and "Foundations."

Finally, don't forget to incorporate warm-up exercises into your singing practice to help improve your vocal range and agility. Singing Carrots' pitch training program offers interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises that can help you improve your singing ability.

By practicing breath support, focusing on your tone, choosing the right songs, and incorporating warm-up exercises into your routine, you can learn to sing like Lottie Mayor. Remember to monitor your progress using Singing Carrots' progress statistics feature to help track your growth.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.